What's on your desk right now?

Nice! How are the grips on them?


Here’s what i’m using lately, switched a few things up after the first of the year.


Kind of medium-hard rubber ribbing but don’t know about long term use.


The capped pilot unfortunately loves finger prints


New arrivals:
-Uchida lead holder being a knock type was an awesome surprise.

-On Time Five set is cool as hell.

  • the two silver on the right are pens, but seemed to match the drafting style well. Great knurling on the OHTO.

-Jib’s Rubber Glip rubber grip is -I’m guessing- sun damaged(???) Can’t wipe clean due to very delicate rubber, am still stoked to grab another color.

-sun star 0.7mm was a “I just want to see what this pencil is like” purchase. Wasn’t worth the shame of getting 0.7mm pencil on me though😜. Both the FLAVOR and HI-FIT models are nicer all around (imho)

-Pilot double knock: I had been very excited about this MP. I know this one is FAR from being in remotely good condition, so hopefully my opinion isn’t skewed too much. It is kind of dinky. Not what I expected from a “pilot w knock”. It reminds me of a lower end Jib or Mitsubishi mini w-knock. Maybe I’m missing something…

-the clear body 0.5mm is -I believe- a Muji. I’ve only come to this conclusion given it eraser cap not sharing the text2way metal/plastic top. If I’m wrong, please correct me (it came in a bundle with zero details).

Apologies for horrible formatting :sweat_smile:.(fixed hopefully :pray:)


The sun star ontime5 is a cool score!

And legit happy to see a standard beeline!


Thanks! I just discovered the Beeline when I stumbled across the auction. Its dimensions seemed weird until I held it. It is almost ideal in hand. I highly recommend


Iv already got a bunch of beelines, I really like them.

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Nice mods

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Just noticed a navy Ohto words in there, never seen that colour before I thought only chrome and brown existed.


I have one of those etched Pilots with dark brown coloration. It’s interesting how Pilot had this colored variation of the etched striped pencil, where the color extends past the etching and wraps around the back end. They were also made in red and blue. I’ve not seen a ballpoint companion for these either.



That texture on 5th from left is amazing.

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I love that mini Pilot with the baseball print. There’s a whole series of these graphic prints on white bodies, with football motifs as well as whimsical objects like dial-telephones, hot air balloons and windmills. I think of them as counterparts to the Pentel ‘corn’ series and some of the Colleen Jib w-knocks with printed designs on white bodies.


I had never seen it before. So not sure? It came in a bundle for like 10$ so I went for it.

I’ve started to fancy random capped mps.


Ordered a few more of the printed Pilots again. I generally like even the body style on these. However dont know why the clicker cap is so sunken in.

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