Sailor mini automatic

I received this little gem today, a Sailor mini automatic! I know absolutely nothing about it except I’m pretty sure it has to be the smallest automatic MP ever! I was able to get the tip unscrewed but the main clutch inside the body remains behind the silver band that the tip screws into. It does not want to come apart from the rest of the body and is likely glued in there given how thin the main body wall is.

Here is a comparison to a bunch of other autos where you can really see how small this thing is.


Look at that cute little thing


That’s what she said.

*Sorry, couldn’t help myself *


Haha, I wanted to say “that’s well above average” but I knew it would be immature.


Do you have a box full of tkmatiks there on the right side in the background? :thinking:


I’m happy to see that the sinful cup of Kerrys has been reduced.


Yep, those are my TKs and alphas.

Some better shots that show the colors:

And yes, I started playing around with the Kerrys and their display. They won’t stay on the one above but I wanted to see how the spacing was for them. Here’s a newer test stand that I threw together with some dowels and trim. The right side is 1/2" and the left is 3/8" dowels, resulting in different spacing. I’m leaning towards the tighter spacing. Thoughts?


Everytime I see a collection like this I think of Maurice…


I really like the display. The end caps, did you drill holes for the dowels or are they just glued?


Just glued. Since putting it together, I realized I don’t want anything at the top because it blocks your fingers when taking one in or out. So I’m going to push that back in line with the dowels, which will create a base on the other side allowing for a two-sided stand with different color flocking on each!

I usually prefer a light background, but some pencils look better on black. I thought it would be cool to just flip them around and get a different look. Red and green would be another cool combo. Any of which would look great inside a wood display - which is the ultimate goal - for the trays to be part of a display/case system that has a glass doors protecting everything from getting dusty.

Still have plenty of things to figure out though… we’ll see where it goes.


I like that idea - please post pictures when you make the changes!

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Could you take a side shot of the stand. I am looking at a display case in my house, but I need something for standing the pens, and I like this much better than the acrylic stands that space them out so much.

I may run into display problems with my Kerry’s soon. Counting the P1135, P2135 & the Q535, I have 60 Kerry’s to display. I have room for a half dozen more in the Pentel Display case I am using now.


No problem @nimrodd, which stand - the long white one or the shorter wood dowel one?

Agreed on spacing - most stands out there for purchase are not suited well for 50+ items. All the stands I’ve built prior to the wood dowel one have been made out of foam board and long sewing needles for holding pieces of fabric together. I just built the wood one and it’s just being temporarily propped up with popsicle sticks.

For the Kerrys, I’m fairly certain I’ll be going with a double decker like what I built for my 925 limited’s otherwise it’ll need to be fairly long to fit them all.


Wow @Heath that is impressive :sunglasses:

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Umm wow.

Will you take $2500 for it?


A heart means yes. Woohoo!


Plus shipping? :expressionless:


Including shipping. And the stand. Insured.

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Shipping for that can be something like $300, I think you can’t ship all those Staedtler in something other than a wooden box, also the stand!

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Oh my god