Pilot H-1005 transparent version?

I found this and its price is 2000$…
Is it original model? or custom model?


Korean collector DamDeok notice me the information.
It is called Hi-Mecha skeleton.
It is not for sale, only for salesman in PILOT.
so… Tehnically it is original product.

It was also in Knockology before.


I’ll trade a good number of rare pencils for one of those

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No doubt. I’d love to know how many are floating around out there. My guess is fewer than 100 (and possibly fewer than 25 are actually known about).


The ‘problem’ with demonstrators: their main function was to show off the mechanism, not to function with the same durability. Whenever I spot a nice demonstrator of some old pen or pencil, there is often one of the following issues:

  • Hairline cracks in the clear resin / plastic where the screw joints are
  • Yellowing
  • Dirt, ink or debris trapped inside

It comes with the territory… so caveat emptor!


I remember many moons ago (perhaps in 2005 when I started this hobby) coming across a lo-fi picture of a transparent 1005 on a green background with a white gradient and thinking it was some sort of archetypical rendering of a pencil that didn’t exist — at the same time I knew it wasn’t a rendering because it looked like a crappy polaroid of a real 1005 and who on earth would lose their time doing a crappy rendering in 3D… so I was always in a state of suspended wonder and disbelief about this pencil until very recently when I saw one fly by in an auction. When I started trading pencils you could win auctions fairly easily and I acquired many wonders, but this one never showed up. Now it’s fairly impossible to get these sort of pencils w/o unlimited funds.

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I think we saw the same picture. Since then I started looking for one, and finally won it this year.