Of brags and celebrations -- what were your great scores of 2024?

Well, my absolute best score wasn’t even a mechanical pencil. I scored a YAJ auction for a mere ¥11, for a set of some very nice miniature spoons (LINK). Turns out they’re made in 18-12 steel (18% chromium, 12% nickel) which is a premium stainless steel alloy.

As for pens/pencils, my best score was a TOMBOW La Nave Oceanic pen, for a mere $5.50 ($14.39 with shipping). The oxidation on the outside actually cleaned off and the coating was not a sticky mess, as what usually befalls these venerable pens.

Mechanical pencil wise, I got a mildly used H-2105 (labeling on body worn off, but rest very nice) for a good bit below market value.

This PILOT H-3003 was well used and the bright light photos made some wear look a bit worse than it was… and it cleaned up very nicely with some micromesh and polishing compound. This is a price usually considered reasonable for a nice condition used H-2003.

Mitsubishi M3-100 that was described has being used with many scratches, was an overstatement of the condition. A little polishing got rid of most superficial scratches and with a replacement eraser, it looks great. Probably my 2nd favorite executive style double-knock (right behind the Mitsubishi Jaguar black stripe).

I hope one day to find another one of these, but it has been years since one has turned up.


I see Fish Pen.

Edit: Wrong photo response lol.


I like the Tombow Oceanic. I have the mechanical pencil version. Purchased a long time ago but unfortunately it fell, also along time ago, and the tip snapped.

Watch it: they tend to roll off the desk easily, since the don’t have a clip. Still, the design was nice and it was comfortable. I still hope to fix mine someday.


A couple of emotional highs for 2024:

• Completing the Jonny Ive Sharbo TX-2 line-up

Relenting on the Lamy 2000 pencil because of the Zoom C1

• Getting hold of a dark green Pentel Hue at last, thanks to @Knockologist !

• Getting to the bottom of the ‘SG45’ debate

• Finally pulling the trigger on a ST Dupont Defi skeleton

• Adding a H-515 to my Pilot 2020 collection

• Obtaining an early Newman skeleton knock-type for cheap

• Completing the OHTO V-Gripper trifecta after getting hold of the rollerball at last

• Kokuyo WP limited edition duo was a greatly satisfying way to cap the year.


This Pilot H-1005 with 2 stickers for 7 USD back in February was by far my biggest hit ever.

And there were these two back in September, the TK Matic L cost me 42 USD and the Élysée line 50 in blue cost me around ~20 USD.


$39 for this H1505. It appears to be NOS. I don’t have it yet, the seller shipped it to my sister in New Jersey. The photos are from the eBay listing.


:+1: nice
Hey when that arrives can you please post a picture of the instructions


That’s really great you got it with the original box and instructions. So often these are listed in NOS with sticker, sometimes even sealed in plastic, but rarely the blue box. The red box is so ubiquitous, you could put any PILOT pencil in it.


No heavy hitters here, but considering that they were almost all NOS, that there were a few duplicates, and that the whole lot cost me 15 bucks - I was pretty happy with this score!


Don’t see too many Hauser designs around!


I have a Black mechanical pencil and two grey ballpoints. One of them came with a desk stand - so avoids the falling of the desk issue. I must admit I had never seen one of these advertised before.

Bought this one for less than 10 bucks!


Nicely done! That TK-9515 has one heck of an overbuilt eraser cap. Quite an impressive lead clearing tool. :smirk:



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What a beaut.


Welcome, @sam . Glad you are here.



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Thank you!:pray:

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That’s what everyone should be like, not a piece of wire stuck in an eraser.