New arrivals I’ve been struggling to find for a while now

Finally got some 0.4mms I’ve been lacking. Along with the 0.7/0.9mm of the monotech 1000s)

Finally found the yellow ringed HH-80 I’ve been missing (now all three, but not matching stickers/sizes)

Finally found a well priced platinum drafter.

And figured it was time to purchase the matching lead holders to the monotech 500s. One even came with the original lead….holder(?) full of original leads which was a surprise bonus.

And below is my updated Tombow/Fuji drawer :smiley:


Fuji/Tombow drawer is looking fantastic.

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H-584 is a HUGE score

You just don’t see many of them (and yours appears to be relatively immaculate)


Right?!? I had zero clue how hard it was to track one down. I figured the H-1084 would have been more difficult. Definitely not.

I lucked out with this one being so pristine. And it made me realize how NOT pristine my h-583 is :rofl:.

I’m looking for a 1094 now, the last two I’ve purchase have come back as refunds on Mercari…. And eBay is asking quite a bit.


Thank you!! :pray:

Also, three Pelicans on the far right. I’m STILL on the hunt hope they’re drafting MPs…. Those three are the least executives imo.

Are there Pelikan drafters? Thought they only made writers (some, quite elegant and effective). One does never stop learning here.

PS: The Monotech 1000 in 0.4 looks very nice; does the 500 series offer a 0.4 as well? I don’t think I have ever seen one for sale.

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I’ve only seen pelican drafters through 2nd_atronauts flcker album(sorry, don’t have a link :/). Unfortunately they also warned me that the drafters are prone to the “rubber-disease”. But I’m still looking for one :sweat_smile:.

I know the LG series has a 0.4 that’s rare as all hell, but I’ve never seen a 500 version. If I ever came across a green wheel lead hardness indicator I’m pretty sure I’d stroke out before being able to purchase. But if you ever find info to the contrary, PLEASE :pray: do let me know :grin:

Ah, that Flickr… I went there just to take a look, but the amount of awesomeness was way higher than what I could process. And I was unable to spot the Pelikan drafters. Next time, when I’ll manage to tone down my own fangirling about a couple of pieces I saw between the forest of masterpieces.

If I get to know something about square-bodied Monotech pencils in 0.4, I will be happy to report here. :slight_smile:

Ha! Yes, that one…. I find myself scrolling through it once every 4 months, and finding something new each time. It is incredibly astonishing as well as humbling…

(It will be a pic of four black pencils I believe, if that helps.)

There’s an H-565 with stepped nosecone…


Ha! You really read me there, man. But alas, that is just the tip of the iceberg. :smiley:

Def don’t get an H-1094 on eBay—one will come up on Mercari or YAJ if you’re patient.

These were released in Europe. Very annoying, as that nose cone is superior to the OEM one.


There is no Monotech 500 in 0.4. Would be a sought-after piece if it existed, though!

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I was searching on the internet some informations about those tombows (those with the lead hardness gear) , in particular informations about release date and retail price , but i didn’t.Does anyone knows anything ? thanks :grin:

try this?

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