I am starting a YouTube channel that covers (mostly) out of print mechanical pencils.
I plan to post them here first – for vetting and feedback, then make them public.
I have been working on this project for a while and have some videos already created.
Please have a look and let me know what you think.
Saw just the PG 2003 and Tikky T, but I can already say its very nicely done and informative. The photos, graphics, the info. Looking forward for more videos.
I would eliminate the music while you speak, its distracting. Leave it on just for the intro, end and longer breaks in speech.
The PG 2003 video taught me a valuable lesson about the tip form factor, and immediately instilled in me the fear my PG 2003 had a fake nose — it was the correct one, fortunately.
Great venture, and very pleasant voice if I may say it. Keep up the good work!
Patrick, I just have to say I’m absolutely blown away by your videos! The amount of thought, care, and effort you’ve put into them is incredible. Your attention to detail, the way you present the history, and the top-notch editing make these videos such a valuable contribution to our community. This is exactly the kind of work that makes this space so special.
One of the main reasons I started Knockology was to document, discover, share, trade, learn, grow, explore, and build friendships. And what you’re doing with your channel embodies all of that. It’s amazing to see the pieces of history we care about being captured so thoroughly—something we’ve all wished for at some point. Now, when someone searches for information on a particular pencil, your videos (along with this forum and Nimrodd’s Pentel book) will serve as key resources. That’s a huge step forward from the detective work we’ve all had to do in the past!
And now it all makes sense…why you’ve been asking so many questions about dates, colors, materials, and every little detail. You’ve been quietly composing some incredible videos! I love seeing this passion in action, and I hope you can keep up the level of editing because it’s seriously impressive. No pressure, but we’re counting on you!
On behalf of Knockology, you’ll be receiving a little surprise in the mail. A YouTube channel launch housewarming gift! Keep up the amazing work, and thank you for bringing even more depth and richness to this community.
That is very thoughtful and made my day – thank you!
The idea for the channel is relatively new idea. All the questions I tend to ask is just part of my super OCD (I tend to get in the weeds on details in most of the things I do).
I appreciate all the support and guidance from everyone!
You are incredibly concise and informative. I was completely captivated through each segment and video.
Very impressive. Respect
Off Topic: If I remember correctly, you and I use the same drawers for storing our pencils. I just learned an easy way to make the drawer action fluid and smooth. Use a 2mm pencil with extended lead and rub the contact points of the drawer and main build. It doesn’t take much. I was quite smitten with the results. Hope this helps!
(If you already knew this, apologies for the time spent reading the paragraph )
And again, BRAVO and CONGRATULATIONS on such a channel.
As to the drawers: I’d spend 20 minutes meticulously placing/spacing every MP per drawer, for it to Ka-thunk-k-k-k while closing, essentially ruining all that dedicated time .
I learned about this a couple of days ago, but have ZERO memory from where. I’d love to give credit where it is due. Hopefully it comes back to me.
As for your videos: Absolutely Not. There is zero down time. Hell, they could be twice as long if you had information to fill it. Your segments are short enough so that, if someone doesn’t exactly care about the subject matter currently being presented, two skips, BAM! New topic.
My only critique (which isnt a critique at all, simply a request )…. At the end of each video, spend time capturing every angle of the “topic” pencil(s) alongside a size reference item (like a quarter, or a BIC MP). @drifand ’s pics are what made me want to fully explore MP’s I never knew existed.
Aesthetics and maybe include each pencils’ “knock” sound. Sorry, getting greedy…
Those surprise aspects are always what I dread/am relieved by. I appreciate ALL information at anyone’s disposal when it comes to a piece I’m interested in. TOO INFORMATIVE does not exist in my book.
“Too long”(?)…. I’d watch for hours as long as I’m able to learn .