I'm starting a YouTube channel

Thanks for the feedback, that makes me feel better about it.
I was considering comparing every pencil to something like a P200 for reference.

I figure that or a BIC would be the most common?


Sharp pleaseeee


Good luck with your channel Partick! :hugs:


Here is a peek at the next video. I hope to wrap it up over the weekend.


Question on the Thumbnail - I only have one datapoint for this pencil (1977).

Should I just take the “1977” off, or maybe something like “1970’s”?
I want to make it clear that we are talking about an old pencil

also - Fonts OK?



Fonts are good as long as you stay consistent in the video(s).


What? You don’t want a Loki title?



Great stuff, Patrick! Happy to subscribe :+1:


Thanks Vasco -


I don’t even have a P200. EVERYONE knows what a BIC MP is…. At least in the states. Maybe take a Reddit pole? Or here (if here has them).

Again, it was just feedback. If this was an exam your channel is a 99%! And glad Input is welcome :grin:


It seems like a lot of pencil collectors are in Japan, and TBH 90% of my collection (i.e. the videos I plan to make) are Japanese pencils. So I thought I would try to attract viewers from there. Right now my channel will only allow for one audio track. As channels grow, options become available like adding chapters and eventually multiple audio tracks.

I have played around with some AI tools that will clone/convert your voice to multiple languages but it’s not cheap (and sadly, I am. lol)
So for now I export captions in English and Japanese. I plan to add more languages once I see the need.
The auto-translate that YouTube has built-in is functional, but it’s not always that accurate. For example, I say “PG2003” and YT auto-captions say “pee gee two-thousand three’”. I can imagine that turns into complete gibberish upon translation.

The editing software I am using (CapCut) will allow for multilanguage captions. The neat part is I edit in English and it also makes corrections in the other language.

So - long story short, Japanese viewers will have captions made specifically for them.
I just wanted to clarify that when I say “captions” I am talking about the CC Closed Captioning that you have to manually turn on.

My question is - how annoying would it be (for everyone) if the text that is displayed onscreen in the video is in English and Japanese?

I want to be as accommodating as possible, but I also do not want to drive people away or clutter the screen if not necessary.

I may be overthinking and/or over-complicating things, but what are your thoughts on using Japanese and English when text is displayed on the screen?


I’ve never seen subtitles from two languages run before at the same time, but I imagine it would not be a “net positive”. It might help some, but dissuade most as a mistake rather than a feature.

Once someone starts your videos, they should be focused on the content, not “Why are two languages showing right now?!? Hits SETTINGS”…… That would be me…

Hope this helps


the closed captions that the user has to turn on or off will only be in one language.
I’m talking about the graphic (text) that I display on the screen - like the picture here.


I’ve been playing around with displaying the original and translated images at the same time. If I want to highlight something I throw text on the screen like this:


Nicely done, Patrick. Clear, very informative, hits a good tone and is well-paced.

I look forward to a Quicker Clicker vid.


Thank you!

Me too. The QC is definitely on the short list.
Hey when I do, can I use a photo of your collection?


Sure, but I can get you a better quality pic than those.


Both at the same time are visually peaceful, not disturbing/disruptive.

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Hi Patrick!

Great idea for a YT channel and congratulations!

I’ve watched a couple and they’re incredibly informative. I never knew what i didn’t know.

Coming from a career in motion picture sound re-recording I do agree with @Vici81 that the music is a tad intrusive. A little music goes a long way. Intro and outdo are a good starting point. You could try that as a first pass and see how it feels/sounds. Or perhaps a “bridge” between different aspects of the MP?

Really well done. You should be proud Patrick.



Thanks, Elliot. And thank you for the guidance. I am working on one this weekend, so I will take your and @Vici81 's advice.

I appreciate the support and encouragement from the group. I have never attempted anything like this, so I am very much making this up as I go.


Here is my video that will be made “public” tomorrow.

I dropped the music, and this one also has both English and Japanese test onscreen.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement -