Absolutely beautiful! Some of my favorite vintage Pentels.
Get ready for Pearson to cry you a river over a green one.
I’d make an offer but I want my other peeps to have first dibs.
Understood. My goal is the whole tray just to make everything easier, but if no one goes for it, I’ll split it up. I am not planning to post on any other sites unless there is no action here.
Well… I desperately need a yellow and green and will do whatever is necessary to make the deal possible…
Update: Yep, just checked The Toolbox™, and with a yellow and green P1075—with sticker—this particularly delightful corner of the collection will be complete.
If it gets split I would love to get the blue one. That is the only one I have without a sticker.
If it gets split, I’d be interested in one of every color (edit: or whatever is left).
Those are amazing looking.
Looks like the sticker on the blue one is peeling up.
Yes, the sticker on the blue one is coming up on the left side. 8, 9 & 12 have some corrosion on the clip.
I’m interested in all colors except the orange one, I have it already
Anyone interested in the complete tray for $550? Pieced out it is going to be closer to $700.
Did this ever sell?