Wtb pilot h-1585 (or trade)

I did indeed HAHA.

It’s funny. I kept reminding myself to delete this post after I won it, but seeing as how SOMEONE remembered my bleak & desperate thralls to attain it makes me happy.

Im sure you can relate to my strife.

I also got the Grey Rubber Sharkscale Pilot the same user sold.

Now all I’m after pilot-wise is an H-3003 and an HH-80-k 0.3 (not paying the $127 mercari dude has been holding out for.)


Yes, and I believe I’m going to ship as soon as it hits the warehouse. Bundle or not, I’m stoked

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Have you?

Your collection has amassed quicker than anyone’s I’ve seen! I can barely keep up!

Are you focusing on pilot, solely? Or are you getting all the top-tier trophy-tops?

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Side note: when did you grab the HH-50-k in white?

That is quite the catch, red as well…

Still looking.
I went kind of nuts for a bit lol

Congratulations BTW

It’s crazy how important these searches become :flushed:

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So you don’t like it since you want to trade it in another thread?

I bought a non NOS one and it’s just the same to me. No point in having two

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I think you were asking me?

Ah, ok, I didn’t know that you had two in the meantime.

I just read this and realized I’m now the person that was believed to not exist haha