Genuine buyer. You all should know that by now
I’m throwing a hail mary out to this great community.
- PD515 Pop’npop black/grey
- PD335 Purple coloured clip non-Pop’npop
- PD1065 red
- PQ11 persons. Orange, pink, green, blue.
- PD347 and 349 with Clic 7 and Clic 9 labelling
- DPD355 clear with Mickey, same with Goofy
- PD345 clear clic II black, blue (originals)
- PD345 white (promo?)
- PD335 white with black highlights (promo)
- PD335 black (promo)
I’m open to trades, but only if I have a duplicate or triplicate. Happy to pay fair market prices.
Thanks in advance if you can help out!