What if Pentel brought back the original Quicker Clicker?

Puppet Sounds Great GIF by giphystudios2021

I would love to have a set in clear translucent. I’m not aware of any that weren’t tinted.

I’ve been looking for spare caps too, with almost no success. Some them originally had non-tinted caps—including, I suspect, the ones you posted—and those are slightly easier to find if you’re willing to cannibalize other pencils in otherwise worse, or at least less valuable, condition. I have only once come across one blue and one brown cap on their own, in a box of odds and ends. (I would, in this case, say they were “ends” :slight_smile: )

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One of my favorite pics. Great job!

I never thought to put colored lead in them.


I like it too but can’t take credit.


Has anyone put the blue clear clic (PD345R-C) next to a blue PD355 quicksharp or PD347? I’m trying to gauge what shade of blue the clicker is.