There are so many variants of the P200 but – as far as I know – not a complete transparent one. Why not make one yourself?
We need:
- a P200 (without the barrel)
- a cheap P200 knockoff with transparent barrel, e. g. these from AliExpress (barrel only)
- a transparent plastic tube, inner ⌀ 4 mm, outer ⌀ 5 mm, length about 105 mm
- the usual stuff (superglue, knife, adhesive tape etc.)
This is how it’s done:
- Disassemble the P200 and the knockoff.
- Cut off the black inner tube at the step (about 4 mm above the spring).
- Put a bit of superglue on the remaining black part and attach the transparent tube.
- Wrap adhesive tape around the other end of the transparent tube so that the cap is firmly in place.
- Assemble everything except the eraser (it won’t fit anymore).
- Enjoy!
However, I’m afraid that the transparent P200 won’t stay beautiful for long as the leads will rub off and the tube will get dirty.
And of course it’s not a real P200