The Pentel W-Knock

Here is my Pentel W-Knock mechanical pencil. Not much is known about this model and it is a very rare find. There was a comment on Reddit that potentially explained the “W” reference…

“I don’t know any Korean, but I know about W and double in Japanese, so here it is in the hope that it
might help: AFAIK Japanese people read the letter ‘double‐u’ and ‘double’ the same (as ‘da‐bu‐ru’) because the ‘u’ at the end is silent (or just makes the ending ‘u’ sound a bit longer). So, in some cases the letter ‘W’ is used instead of writing
the word ‘double’.”


Fantastic example of this rarity. I guess double knock designs were something that most of the bigger players took a shot at back then… much like how ‘everyone’ needs to have an anti-lead breakage model today.


Mmmm mmm mmmm mmmmmmm. I didn’t know you snagged one of these :smirk:


Also +1 for “W is a shorthand reference for double”; I always assumed this was the case since every manufacturer had their take on it

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It was painful but yes I did.