September to Remember haul…

Pilot H-564 (brand new)

A.W. FABER-CASTELL microlette 9502 (brand new, box and instructions.)

KENT micro sharp NO.0.5 (red)

Mitsubishi Double Knock M5-101 (black/0.5)

Pilot H-150 “knock pencil” (maroon)

A Slew of Colleen Jibs (NOS)

Pilot Mr(?)….disappointed with it in every way. ALL OTHERS…. Amazing pieces I hope you all experience :grin:

The microlette is no joke. It is as SOLID as can be. I highly recommend purchasing if you ever find the opportunity.


Yoooo that red Kent is no joke! And it looks like you got a pristine specimen with the printing intact.

How much did you snag it for?

I scored my red one for cheap a long time ago and was surprised by how much I like the pencil. Ended up getting a black one, too, but I also understand there are blue ones out there…

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That Pilot MR—which I also dislike, btw—has a cousin named the YR. Somehow, I love it despite not even being able to grip the MR.

I had been looking for this Kent for over a year… stopped looking for it, then randomly searched for it on Mercari Japan…. 28$

I was ELATED to say the least. Fortunately it lived up to my expectations haha. It is as unique as it is perfect.

Someone on eBay has one for a ridiculously high price. Every time I see it I feel bad for the “sap” that eventually buys it :/…

The Mr is now just a box checked…super bland…


What does the YR have that the Mr doesn’t?

The Colleens are really nice. The blue and green colors that they produced are the best.

I’ll disagree here. Their “Rubber Glip” models are MY most desired…

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A very nice haul!

I’m sorry to hear that the Pilot MR pencil is disappointing because the matching (?) fountain pen definitely isn’t:

Sorry for off-topic.

By the way, the 9501 was Faber-Castell’s first thin-lead pencil so I assume that the 9502 (which was sold in Germany without the “Microlette” name and a slightly different design) was their second.


Well done haul there, HJ. That FC 9502 is stunning and so is the Kent Micro sharp. Another mint-boxed 9502 sold on Mercari for over $100 USD (LINK).

The PILOT MR pencil is a very understated executive style, but it’s solid and has a good mechanism. I have one or two lying around but never use them – much prefer the micro dot grid variant.


I find the ergonomics of the MR style MP and BP to be decent and mostly follow the minimalist design language of the Murex line. I think the grip area could’ve used a mimic of the exact groove width and depth as on the FP. The integrated nib of the Murex FP is wonderful to behold. Of course, a very firm writing experience. The unfortunate drawback is that if the nib is ever badly damaged, swapping out for a new nib requires the whole section to be replaced. And I imagine back in the 80’s/90’s when these were regularly put to use, the cost prospect for nib replacement was much higher than your typical PILOT FP.

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There is a green Rubber Glip. The body color is also a very deep green color.


There was a time when you could find these appearing on auction about every other month or so… but those days are long gone. There were a few interesting “Rubber Glip” variants and I managed to get only one of them, with a rusted clip. Seriously well-made double-knock. I wish I’d had more foresight and scrambled to pick up a few more when they were available.

I luckily ran across mine for 70$~…. I had never heard of it, but had faith it would be worth the investment.

Strangely enough, F.C. is slowly creeping into my “preferred” maker. Ive found myself favoring their TK9555 over Mitsubishi’s Hi-Pitch M5-50…. I’ve taken them each apart, compared, everything is the same, but for some reason the F.CASTELL simply feels better. More solid, smoother knock

I feel like I’m blaspheming or becoming a “turn-coat”, having held Mitsubishi/UNI in the highest regard…. Seems F.CASTELL has earned my belief through their build quality and overall performance. My only regret is their green…which is ALSO somehow becoming attractive to me…. I’m thoroughly confused, as well as convinced.


As an addition to my last comment and for the records: A.W. Faber-Castell 9502 and 9509.

(From my collection, sold many years ago.)


Great, I just was going to ask for a picture of the non-microlette 9502.
It’s very similar to the 9505, and I don’t think I have one. The 9509 also is a rare beast!


You have to know of the 9509 to look for a 9509!

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Dan Linn has a couple more of the FC family up on Reddit.


I also looked at a reddit post by dslinn, but another one:

What other colors did the Glip come in?
Do we know when it was sold?


“Jib” line up was 1972 onwards afaik