Sakura archi YS5000

A very unusual mechanical pencil


Uber-cool design and actuation of the mechanism. That tiny central chasm opening when the tip is protruded may look a bit disorienting when one is used to the solid-body appearance of the closed pencil, but amazing piece nonetheless.

In the last picture, is that a gold YS5000 with sticker price of 70,000 yen? Do you have other pictures of it?

Could be 10k

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It’s 10,000 yen, not 70,000 yen. I think it’ll be harder to get than Fentel’s pxn205 if you consider the rarity of this product



I have never seen a Pentel PXN of any kind for sale, nor a PXE105 or higher.

In the last years the rare sakuras could be seen at auctions more „often“ than in previous years.
I would think the 10k archi in 200-400k range, but pxn205 heading towards 1M?

Thank you. The pictures you shared of the Archi expo seem to show other colors as well. So interesting.

감사합니다. 귀하가 공유한 Archi 엑스포 사진은 다른 색상도 보이는 것 같습니다. 정말 흥미롭습니다.

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Absolutely stunning and beautiful art made by Sakura.Co