How do you engage the locking system on the Automatic LS?
Just like any other retractable tip - knock while pressing the lead pipe in. In the case of the auto LS, it doesn’t go in all the way, leaving about a mm.
Thanks. I was overthinking things
But what about the Automatic LS with the Alpha style tip? That one doesn’t retract right? Or was it just Automatic, not an LS.
Yes, every automatic rOtring has the locking slide (LS) feature. From left to right, you have:
- Tikky automatic, white
- Tikky metallic LS
- Tikky automatic LS
- Tikky automatic LS with alpha style tip (technically the first rOtring 400 version)
- rOtring 400, graphite (silver version not shown)
Thanks. I thought the alpha-style tips were BPs.
This full retraction of the alpha-style tip is a major advantage. If you drop the drafting version, its tip is still toast. I understand that the marketing piece says that LS keeps the pencil from accidentally advancing, but clearly a bigger benefit would be tip protection.
One other note, should we continue referencing conical tips with ‘alpha’ nomenclature? Here are a few alternates that we could consider:
Conical tip
BP-style tip
Writing tip
Writing sleeve tip