Platinum Hayaai ID help needed

I have these two Hayaai models, but I am trying to see where they lay in the complete family line. I’ve been researching some and it looks like the Hayaai has been around for a while and has gone through several iterations.
The early ones were mostly metal while the later were mostly plastic.

My two are I’m guessing later models. They both have the “push to advance” lead mechanism on the tip.

(“Do not miss first meeting” I’m not sure if this intentional or a translation error, but it’s awesome either way :sunglasses:).

Here are other models of the Hayaai family. Did these come out before or after the ones I own?

Photo credit: The Platinum Hayaai Mechanical Pencil – The Montana Writing Company

Edit: forgot to add this

I guess the three in the image are versions of the Hayaai, and the ones I have are Hayaai II?


In your first picture, the top is the original Hayaai, and the bottom is the Hayaai II.

The Hayaai II is just a white-label of the Niji Grip 700, which has perhaps the best automatic mechanism ever included in a pencil.

In your last image, we see an original Hayaai along with 2 later variants. The colorful one came in a few different colorways (I think I have 4 of them but need to check on that…), and I don’t know the precise classification (Hayaai variant, Hayaai 3?). And I’ve never even seen that last one; the barrel printing looks like it says Hayaai T3.


Thank you

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Only Hayaai Ⅱ is true push-matic, Hayaai has various versions, all with retractable pipe which can spring back.

I’m not interested in Hayaai, they just don’t look attractive.
I remember finding it somewhere on Twitter:


Wow, the 1 knock, 5 push is interesting.

So pushing the whole tip onto the paper until the tip sinks into the nose cone will allow more lead to be extended?

Also, the box description seems to indicate that after using the push extend feature several times, you will need to click advance again to start over. Is that right?

Does this apply to Hayaii II or just the original Hayaii?