Platinum 1977 Catalog - shot by mobile phone

Platinum 1977 Catalog - shot by mobile phone
PDF of the full content is at this link. Below are the cover and catalog images as supplement.


Thanks for sharing this. A fascinating time capsule! The body knock ‘Angle’ is unaccompanied by its simpler version without the chevron print. Wonder if it came later?


The regular Angle had at least 2 releases, too. I’ve blindly assumed it came before the chevron, but they are very different pieces, so I guess it doesn’t make sense to assume anything.

The grip portion of the Angle spins around freely, but the chevron does not exhibit this same behavior.

Edit: Did I miss something? I don’t see any body knocks at all in the images above.

It now shows that I have 8 likes, but the dropbox file link has only 2 clicks, HMM…

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:joy: I totally missed the Dropbox link!

Speaking of Angle, I’m attaching a picture of the instruction here, I haven’t bought this pen yet, but can someone tell me, for the features mentioned in p3 & p4, does anything change if you actually operate like this?


Considering I can’t read kanji, you’ll have to tell me what’s going on in pictures 3 and 4 :rofl:

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I think that’s supposed to be ANGLE :point_up_2:

Edit: So is this pencil called the “Angle”?


In the unlikely event that a problem with centering occurs, use a coin or screwdriver to adjust by turning the center to the left when the center retracts, and to the right when the center does not come out, as shown in the illustration.



Linus2K: Is the question, if this adjusting with a coin does change anything?

Disclaimer: I will not try.


Henceforth, I will refer to the chevron Angle as the Ankle :joy:


I see the Angle is in the 1977 catalog.
Do you know what years it was sold?
Was it sold outside of Japan?

Finally got my hands on one and am curious about it.


What do you think if it relative to the KOKUYO Mistrals?

I like the Angle better, by a lot. I do not own any of the 100 series Mistrals, but the Angle appears to be better built.


I dislike how the grip of the Angle spins around. The chevron version does not exhibit this same behavior.

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