Pentel XS deadstock found

So I got these trough an online shopping platform from Greece (skroutz). Actual stock not from some guy’s basement, not from some dusty shop, but from two stationery stores, they have all 3 colors: red, blue, black. Price for one is 9 euros in one shop and 9,5 euros in the other, the website will automatically select the cheapest one. Shipping two countries over (from Greece to Romania) was 3 euros by courier to my doorstep and took 10 days, two weekends included.

In a few days I will post this also on reddit, but I wanted to give a head start for the forum members first. Make XS affordable again!

A buyee search shows multiple exaples sold on Mercari in the 23-33 US dollars range, so this is half of the lowest price there. Currently there are two on Mercari for over 40 dollars each. Ebay is not even worth mentioning, asking upwards of 80 bucks for one.

On the same website I ordered from there is also some limited (few dozen) Tikky II stock available, H-323 in matte yellow, Rotring Rapid (not pro)…

PAY ATTENTION if you order! The photo with all 3 color XS on the link below is actually for buying just one black piece. Read the description, check the product code.

The link above is valid for my country, but they will deliver anywhere in the EU. Just acces this
And select your country and adress for price and shipping in your currency.