These are awesome!! Where’d you get the colored erasers?
Wait, are those Tradio tips?
I picked them up at the same art & engineering store (college town) where I saw the transparent yellow Quicker Clicker for the first time back in the 90’s. Several years ago we stopped in so I could see if they had any old stock items or displays for sale. They didn’t have any pencils, but they had a small Alvin Draft-Tec display that they just gave me, so I felt compelled to buy a couple things. The colored erasers were just in a small unmarked plastic bag with a price sticker. (9 different colors.) At the time I thought it would be cool to put them in the different colored QC pencils, but now that I got inspired by you and Thomas, they’re being used for a new purpose! (So, thank you! )
Yep, the only other known tip to fit.
Very nice!
So… I have so many questions. Firstly, am I being trolled here? lol
Did they have caps? If so, what colour?
What colour nib did they have?
Did you swap other clickers in or are they the original colours?
What lead size and colour?
Thanks for posting these!
Also… do we have any idea what the Clear Clic III is?
Yes…always! (I had almost said they were a special super limited run, only available in the U.S.!)
So, these are the bodies of either a QuickColor or a Quicksharp. (Like the one with the busted cap.) None of them were working properly, even though some were never used. (A bummer, which now turned into a blessing!) So, I pulled apart some new and properly working 0.5mm QC pencils (with the rubber grips) to use the mechanisms, the clip, and eraser. (Well, I then changed the erasers to those colored ones.) I took the clickers from some new vintage original QC pencils that had some slippage, as well as to use the bodies (a.k.a. “Heath’s Method”) of making all the non-0.5mm colors into 0.5mm pencils. (I only used 0.5 back in the day.) Finally, I threw on tips from a Tradio.
I had wondered about the Hyper III and if there was a I and II, but then thought that perhaps it was named based on/after the Clear Clic and Clear Clic II. So, I continued that progression. (I haven’t cross checked manufacturing dates for them to see if it is even plausible.)
Well, I like the creativity and I guess my dogged pursuit of these damn pencils means I only have myself to blame for being trolled.
I also blame Pentel. I like that they’ve made so many variants but seriously, sometimes I wish they’d kept it simpler for us.