Not sure if I’ll try to find the long 501 Automatic in blue and red. Definitely want to complete the grey M-1052 series.
Impressively comprehensive! I know the model in the lower left came in red, black, and blue—and in two different axis lengths
I’m also aware of another style of drafting pencil similar to the ones next to the o-ringed grips; the one I’m thinking of has a knurled grip instead of the lined grips shown here. And both models came with 3 different color accents (yellow, turquoise, and red-orange).
Biggest surprise here? The BP-1006 in gray. Is there also a gray version of the M5-1006?
Man you’re a walking Mitsubishi History Book. How do you know so much? Hahaha.
You learn this stuff while attempting to buy everything.
Saw the ‘mini’ 501 in black recently but no go at 7000 yen.
There is a grey M5-1006 of course… have seen one floating around for obscene prices.
The knurled ‘colored ring’ model I believe is a variant of the RINGRIP series. I think I have a saved picture somewhere.
What is the length of the “mini” 501?