It's a subtle dotted theme, but I like it. Especially since I'm reunited with it

I bought this SHARBO X a couple years back. I was actively looking for writing instruments with a dotted theme / pattern. PILOT created one for the MR line, that looks amazing. Here it is… gray dots over a white enameled surface.

Last summer, I had this Sharbo riding on the elastic loop of a notepad. The elastic was getting a little slack, but the pen held on. But in a rapid departure from a summer house where we stayed, somehow I was distracted and hadn’t noticed that the Sharbo fell off my pad. It must’ve fallen off somewhere in the house, but I’d no clue it had. I didn’t notice it missing until a day or two after I got home. So, it could’ve been anywhere. I rummaged through my entire car looking for it. I racked my brain and got furious at the Chaos Gods. They’d done it to me before. They always aim for that narrow window of opportunity. I was struck again, at my most vulnerable point… and remained furious with myself. I know, it’s just a pen. But… Zebra made these in a limited run. And despite searching on Mercari and YAJ, no more examples turned up. It could not be replaced. I was stupid to carry it around like any other multi-pen.

Fast forward to this summer. We managed to return to the same house again. Yes, I remembered. I immediately went to check a few drawers around the house that had miscellaneous writing instruments in them. If it had been found, certainly it might’ve been tossed in one of those drawers. Well, it didn’t turn up. The feelings of angst had long faded. I didn’t let it bother me. I moved on.

So, I’m rummaging through one drawer, looking for a little tube of glue. And as I lift up one little plastic container, it exposes a little space behind it. And then… I see it… a little tube of white with gray dots. It’s the SHARBO X! :smile: Returned to owner. And yes, in pristine shape, as if it was new. Sometimes the Chaos Gods don’t get away with their trickery, if you’re patient enough. :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:


I have a silver CDT one which is also super subtle and nice.

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I really enjoyed reading this romantic novel first thing this morning. Thanks for sharing! That’s a great story!

Maybe I’ll find my yellow transparent Quicker Clicker I lost in 1989.


Glad you got a kick out of it. :smile: Wait until I tell you the story of my 18350 sized FW3A programmable flashlight, with limited edition switch cap logo… :rofl:

A Quicker Clicker from 1989… any chance it could be stashed away in an old cardboard box up in the attic of your home at that time? :wink:

I found my old blue one with black clicker button. But the little eraser cap went missing long ago.

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I wish it was there. That same attic ate my dad’s collection of Mickey Mantle baseball cards. :cry:


OMG… No. Mickey Mantle baseball cards? Yikes. I mean, I’m just cringing knowing the value.

If you ever see someone with a dozen Mickey Mantle cards putting them up for auction, it’s very likely they’re a time traveler, or made a deal with a time traveler. :joy:

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I sing this when I match socks.


Any special lyric additions when you fold them together? :smirk::smile:

(btw, off topic – How To Fold Socks)


I’ve been doing this for years. My wife looks at me like I’m crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s a great technique. The whole bit of leaving an open end that you can flip over into an elastic shroud over the whole sock-pair body is so convenient. I’ve been doing mine in a way that makes them a little loose. I found with some cheaper pairs, the elastic being stretched for too long made them go a bit slack.


This is a topic I never imagined we’d be having here.

We are some old men, aren’t we.


It’s if / when we start talking about mansieres or bros, that you should start worrying. :joy:


Naah - just the chorus is doofusy enough!

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