I just did a “free association” writing exercise. It’s a bit silly… but anyway, I’ve noticed that my penmanship is not as nicely legible as it used to be. I guess I need to practice more.
Are you happy with your handwriting? I find mine is better with pens than with pencils, for some reason.
Quite acceptable (when I get home I’ll show you an example), it also depends on the pencil you write with, by the way (starts pseudo-philosophical chatter about the advantage of changing pencil every half page).
My handwriting is so bad my coworkers say it’s encrypted.
TBH it is a mix of sloppy cursive abbreviations, crude flowcharts and diagrams, etc. basically a bastardized version of the Cornell method, where I have to use the space below to summarize in a script I can read after the meeting.
You stinker!
I didn’t look at it for long, but my eye did catch “IF THINGS DON’T LOOK QUITE ABOUT A GUNSHOT DEATH, BE SURE THAT A BULLET WOUND IN THE HEAD HAS NOT BEEN OVERLOOKED.” (I wasn’t going to ask questions)
I remember the movie… pretty crazy one. One of Kevin Spacey’s best roles (more so than Usual Suspects). And you usually can’t go wrong with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt.
Cool that you worked on it. Were you involved in props, or managed to get that notebook after shooting?
Btw, did you ever see the Shatner parody of Se7en?