Microfix sl .5mm recently bought. But there is ugly rust damage. Is it at all possible to get rid of it by Sanding or using the 3m spray or something?
I have tried using vinegar to soak the rust first, followed by lightly scrubbing with a piece of aluminum foil. Did not work for me.
I would try barkeepers friend.
I can second the Bar Keepers Friend.
Remove the clip if you can, and gently scrub with BKF and rinse well. May take a few applications.
Optional next step is to seal it to keep oxygen away from the areas where the plating has chipped off. Start by getting it very dry by holding it under a blow dryer and then (after it cools) I hit it with a layer of clear-coat matte spray varnish. This is to seal it so it doesn’t start to rust again. Then I put the clip back on the pencil. This may freak some people out, but I was concerned that exposed to the air rust may start forming again.
Wow! Thanks
This is great!, thank you.
Some rust is exhibited due to chrome plating loss and exposure of raw steel. While a cleanser can remove the rust, it will still not look quite right due to the plating loss. But, it will look better than with rust on display. I imagine there could be some way of sealing it up.
Need help again. How to undo the pilot sprinter nose?
The nose cone is way too tight I want to do disassemble it one time.
Mine was a little tight when I went to unscrew the nose cone. I wonder if gently warming it up might help. Put the Sprinter in a ziplock bag and then wrap a hot wet wash cloth around it for about 10~20 mins.
Thank you, will be trying it out today.
I’m real nervous reading about this disassembly attempt. Imagination running amok with all kinds of mishaps!
Of course, use your best judgement. I don’t know how your Sprinter was previously stored. Examine the plastic connector close up and see if there’s any distortion, erosion, or even possible hairline cracks before you try this. Also, after doing this warm-up technique, apply force very gradually. If you’re finding there’s still a lot of resistance, I’d back off. Unless the lead is periodically jamming, there’s no real need to disassemble the pencil and I would err on the side of caution.
I’ll post here if it’s ok? If not my apologies.
I recently received a Mitsubishi Jaguar (M5-2500 N). However it came with some very noticable rust on the sides of the clip.
How I can remove the rust, whilst avoiding any damage / paint strip?
Try applying some BarKeeper’s Friend with a Q-tip. You’ve really got to scrub to get rid of the rust, and oftentimes it doesn’t ALL come off… but you can certainly make a positive impact on it.
said exactly what I was about to say. Have done this several times.
They say to be careful with the BKF around plastics, etc. (read the label).
I have masked off plastic parts with tape to avoid contact.
I realize it has been about 14 months since you posted this, but I never saw a follow-up and forgot. Did you ever get that Sprinter nose cone off successfully?
@cytherian hey I did not! I sort of put opening it on a hold.