Graph 600 PG60x

One of my favorites has to be the Graph 600. This one covers all my basic needs. I like the balance and feel of the grip on this pencil.

Shown are white, orange, mint, red, blue, navy and black.

What other colors am I missing?

Most of these were purchased from @Kiwi-d (thanks again Dave)


As far as I know those are the 6 colors.
Five of the colors were cataloged in various countries, but I don’t believe Red was ever cataloged. I have l all the colors in 0.5 & 0.7 mm, but I have never found the PG603-B.

And then Brazil had the PG620 series, with 0.3, 0.5 & 0.7 mm in one color each. The main difference is the eraser cap does not have the lead indicator, but a PG520 style cap.


Thank you!

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Yes, this one covers all basic needs except a wider range of lead sizes. I liked the design enough to get one a couple years ago, and that satisfied the itch. From an aesthetic standpoint, I think the boring clip is a missed opportunity for a more sophisticated look.