$15 USD (plus shipping)
Very nice piece. Is that PD335 having a plastic clutch? Or is that some sort of frame around a brass clutch?
It has a brass clutch. Same form factor as the PD345 Quicker Clicker / Clic.
There’s a plastic housing around it.
You got a good deal on that.
Nice! In original packaging no less.
I wonder how many different colors there were. I like the high contrast to the white.
I’ve only seen 4 colors (so far): Blue Green Orange and Yellow
Here’s some of what I have. I also have all the transparent colors with white components (not pictured). There’s also a few odd ones out there like solid black with Mizuno branding and a sold white with a cigarette company’s branding (also not pictured).
I have the top four and all but one of the Pop’npops. I think I have 3 of the transparents. Never seen the Mizuno or the white one.
thanks for showing them. I’ll keep an eye out for those.
“Mild Seven”? What’s that a reference to?
Mild Seven Cigarette’s of course