“For Film” M.P.s/brands

Of the specific “For Film” models for Mechanical Pencils, I am aware of 3:

•Pilot HF-605 for film

•Pentel PF335 for film

•Steadtler (insert model) for film

I just acquired my second. Are there any more out there?


Pentel PF337 and 339.
Pentel Graph for film.
Pentel PF505 507 509.


No other brand outside the three I listed??

…really…. Crazy.

(I —for some reason— dislike Pentel). Knowing pentel have three while most have NONE is disappointing (to say the least).

Fortunately this model of Pentel (for film/otherwise) was not in my catalogue. So at least I have gained it (two-fold). :grin::pray:

Thank you for the intel :heart_hands:


There’s the Pilot H-1085 rebranded for KIMOTO, with burgandy accents.

Castell XF Filmar - I only have the 0.9

Unofficially for film? Hadinor Techniker Stift 3020, 0.5mm, with printed markings for DuPont Cronaflex film.


Alright, I’m calling the Pilot HF-605 the White Rhino from now on.

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Why is that??

[quote=“drifand, post:4, topic:2113, full:true”]
There’s the Pilot H-1085 rebranded for KIMOTO, with burgandy accents.

Why do you say this is for film? Have an image?

Here’s a shot saved from a listing… The lead degree says ‘F2’. KIMOTO makes films and papers for CAD, drafting etc.


That means the kimoto always is „for film“? Or is this a special version?

I don’t think Kimoto made a ‘normal’ version under Pilot.

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I am quite sure there is a wider variety of “for Film” lead in the world of 2.00 mm lead cores, but at the same time the leadholders are not as specialised as the mechanical thin-lead pencils.

To my knowledge, I am sure that at least Staedtler and Keuffel+Esser made special lead for film, simply because I have the containers: the former produced the Mars Dynagraph, the latter its “58 0369” cores “for use on Polymer Drafting Film” made by The Ruwe Pencil Company (Greenwich Connecticut). Also, the name “Duralar” rings a bell, but I cannot recall right now who made it (Faber-Castell perhaps?); and F.C. did make some other kind of specialised lead, possibly for tracing on vellum, vinyl, or film.

As for the clutch pencils, Steadtler did not need dedicated pencils after they introduced their clever colour-coded, interchangeable, rear pushbuttons, whereas K+E typically rebranded other leadholders made by different companies — the only exception might be their “Leroy .020”, designed specifically for their own lettering system.

At the same time, this is such a niche topic, and the variety in the old catalogues is so astounding, that I would not be surprised if I discovered that there are a few 2.00 MP’s on the loose with the combination “for Film” printed somewhere along the barrel.