Do you happen to have these non-directly-pencil-related items?

Hallo Knocklogy community!

Since I’m a hopeless hoarder, and I love tools of any kind and from any trade and craft, there is a troubling amount of stuff I’m still looking for, and not everything I want is pencil-related. Still, given that you people live all over the world, and may have access to things I cannot reach anymore, I am throwing this message in a bottle here. After all, who knows? Maybe you can help me amass even more useless things…

So, to be brief, let me start with one tool I missed when it was in production, and now I regret leaving behind:

Swann-Morton Scalpel Handle B3L (“Barron No.3 Long”); pictured here, in a shot taken from the web, actually from a Polish website where I can’t tell whether the company still has some leftover stock or not.

It’s a scalpel handle produced by the English company Swann-Morton circa 2006, possibly early, and retired too soon, which was dedicated to delicate work; I use these tools when dealing with paper/cardboard in an amateur bookbinding activity, and scalpels are in my view way superior to snap-off blade cutters (at least in some situations) for many reasons I won’t annoy you all with.

If you know how to get one, I’m ready to pay for the item, and your invaluable service.

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