Berol Appreciation Sunday

Berol is one of those brands that kind of lost prominence after the 1980s. I’m no historian but I believe it started as the Eagle Pencil Co., who made the famous Turquoise brand of pencils and lead holders. Then it evolved to become Berol Eagle, and then just Berol. The Turquoise brand is still their best known product brand.

These are a mix of the basic TD-3 and TD-5 with the distinctive knurled grip, and the TD7 and TD9 ‘Automatic’ that had a plainer style but spring cushioned feed.

Much harder to find the TD-x…


Nice! I only have 1 Berol (if at all), because they are hard to get here (only import with too high shipping cost relative to the pencil value).


They’re very nice look. I would like to find a Turquoise TD-x in good condition. For now I have been able to get several TM-5s, from Berol I have a pair of SK-7s. I like the color turquoise.


Saw some SK-5s in black but listed for around 24 USD… which is ‘high’ for me… as in the seller is on crack.

Still hoping to find a maroon TD-7 in good condition… but they don’t show up very often. Many moons ago, there was a UK listing for a full set of 3/5/7 in a box that I couldn’t justify. Then recently, a somewhat beat up TD-7 slipped away while I was contemplating its worn out markings.

Berol also has a series call Berol Design: a rubberised body variant of the Alvin Draftmatic ‘type’ that places the lead indicator in the middle of the body.

I also have one example of their ‘hi-mecha’: a short black rubberised double-knock that reminds me a lot of the basic Pilot H-1005.

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How is the TD-x? My interest in them is because they look like the Mitsubishi M5 and a little less like the Micrograph 771 1x: plastic body with metal knurled grip. Would you say the TD-x it is a good pencil?

TM-5, Eagle 20, M5 (Berol TD-x series looks similar to M5)


That is one hell of a picture—the plated pieces look incredible!


It’s a really great color. Enough to name a whole line of pencils after it. If the body isn’t turquoise, the lettering is. :grin:
Turquoise models have grips that remind me of Faber Castell, TK-matic.



PA-1968-10 - Eagle Turquoise Twenty Holder - mail in sweepstakes.pdf (494.5 KB)

Spotted in Progressive Architecture Oct 1968…


There is no end date given, so write to the eagle company and demand your 17 lead degrees testkit (do they still exist?)!!



In 1995 Newell Company acquired Berol Corporation (formerly Eagle) and placed it in its Sanford division. It only exists as a trademark.

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Go ahead… I believe it is in the public domain.

Specifically on the TD-3, 5 and 7 (please note the hyphen), I really like this series of no gimmick drafting pencils. The knurling is very distinctive - widely spaced and well defined. Not having a lead degree window is no biggie for me. They are a bit short, but again, not a problem for me.


Here’s my contribution. I love this brand, often under appreciated, but not today!