Do we have any Croatian members around here? Or at least other ex-Yugoslavs?
I need a huge favor, to buy something I found in their classifieds and than ship it to me, in the EU.
Its less than 10 euros plus the shipping and I will obviously pay in advance for the items, internal , international shipping and the “help fee”
I happen to live quite close to the ex-Yugoslavian border, and there is plenty of Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian people around here. Maybe I can find a middle man for you. Let me know if I can be of any help.
It is a Rotring double knock in 0,7 (no clip) and an Aurograf 8005, a Yugo licensed copy of the first Staedtler, and a few others.
I tried contacting the seller in English, but he didn’t respond. Since than I got involved in other purchases so I’m not going to pursue this any further. If anyone wants to give it a try, go ahead: