For the Japanese writing instrument makers of the 70’s~90’s there was definitely an innate striving for artistic flair, but also tempered with a certain degree of minimalism. Where things got a bit daring was more with designs targeted for children and teens.
It seems there was a certain “know-how” derived in that era for making etched steel designs that may have been lost to time. I’ve not seen any anniversary editions made that hearken back to those techniques. PILOT definitely “got the hang of it” where simple etched stripes are concerned. Their black stripe steel executive mechanical pencils are ubiquitous. Even to this day, you’re bound to see at least a few auctions for them almost every month or so. But then there are some variants not commonly found that have become sought after by collectors. I’ve gotten a few of them, but not all.
As for PILOT’s Hi-Tecpoint pens… there were 2 main etched steel models–a grid pattern and a spaced grouping of black stripes. The rest were mostly lacquered models in various colors that I believe were made with urushi. It is technically the predecessor of the currently produced Hi-tecpoint V5 and V7 plastic models that takes fine point replaceable cartridges. But those lack the most amazing feature of the original steel bodied Hi-tecpoint pen–the trap door. More details, HERE.