Pilot Automac E500

I see now. The ball bearings facilitate the ease of movement. And because of the tapered shape, there is minimal friction when retracting. Next, the resulting forward motion causes a friction wedge effect that drives the lead forward–the automatic feed of the lead core. Is that a correct description?

It does appear that the automatic lead feed concept has turned up a number of different solutions for the function. Probably the most impressive is the Pentel QX PN305. I understand PILOT has produced a number of different designs. How would you compare the E500 with the 1980’s PILOT Automatic or H-5005, in terms of design finesse, performance, and reliability?

Your reply to me was translated correctly.

I am very glad to hear it. :blush:



スリーブがストロークの最後部にないとき,このボールはワンウェイベアリングである.ここで起こる摩擦は,先端パイプ(and これに摩擦保持された黒鉛芯)が前進しないようにしている.
