How soon do you think pencils will become completely redundant?

Yes, when he was 15 years younger.


15 years ago = yesterday


This might surprise you but I still listen to the band that really started the 80s


Well… video didn’t kill the radio star. Social media did! :smile:

I can’t remember the last time I listened to a radio station for music. Either it’s music on demand from a service, or just played out of my music library.

Anyway… wow, does that song bring back memories. This was the very first music video on MTV when it debuted in August of 1981. I’d long forgotten about how the channel got started, with a vague memory of them using video from a US Space Shuttle launch. Then, I found it. Yep… I remember watching this on a large old color tube TV with a bunch of friends. We’d popped about 4 buckets worth of popcorn and melted 2 sticks of butter. It was quite an experience. And this song was so perfect… especially with what looked like a glowing moon at the start.